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Crowdfunder Shopify App Support

This page offers installation and usage instructions, FAQ's, and support information for Crowdfunder, a Shopify app to allow storeowners to offer better pre-order campaigns.

If you’re having difficulty installing, reply to any of the welcome emails you received and ask for install support, or use the form below to request install assistance.


After installation, create the product you wish to crowd fund.

Access Crowdfunder from within your store’s apps menu.

Within the Crowdfunder app, you may create, edit, or remove your pre-sale campaigns.

Best Practices for Crowdfunding Campaigns



Can I get a demo of Crowdfunder?

We've got a Crowdfunder demo right here on YouTube:

We also have a demo store with an example Crowdfunder campaign.

My campaign is displaying negative numbers!

Whenever Crowdfunder displays negative values, it's almost assuredly because your product has a positive inventory. (Since Crowdfunder is designed for pre-orders, it always assumes your product inventory starts at zero.) For example, if your product has 100 orders, set inventory to -100 and make sure to keep "Continue selling when out of stock" checked.

How can I support fundraisers with Crowdfunder?

Here's the workaround:

Create a product option called "Donate" (or something similar) and then give it three options like $10, $25, $50. (The variant would be literally named "$10" and have a price of "$10".)

Does Crowdfunder work with page builders?

This is an advanced approach. Crowdfunder will work with your page builder if your page builder supports custom Liquid sections. Here's the code snippet:

{% assign cf_product = all_products["crowdfunder-example-product"] %}
{% render "crowdfunder", product: cf_product %}

Replace the "crowdfunder-example-product" string with the product handle of your Crowdfunder campaign product.


data we collect

Crowdfunder monitors orders containing products linked to a campaign in order to synchronize revenue data from Shopify. We do not retain the specific order details provided by Shopify, except for the overall revenue associated with your Crowdfunder campaigns. Crowdfunder can not access orders more than 60 days old.

Store customer information remains completely unaffected, unrecorded, unshared, and unsold. Our systems do not process any personal data of a merchant's customers.

The Personally Identifiable Information (PII) we exclusively store pertains solely to the Shopify merchant, encompassing the owner's name, email address, and phone number as entered in your Shopify Settings.

We do not collection information about your customers or individuals who visit your store. No customer personal information is processed or retained within our storage.

Additionally, we access your lists of products and themes but do not store the information.

Can I have multiple campaigns? Can I crowdfund a collection?

Yes, you can create unlimited concurrent campaigns.

Each campaign must be for a single product. Products with multiple variants are supported. (A campaign can't be for multiple products or an entire collection.)

How do I add rewards and different tiers?

Crowdfunder supports products with multiple variants.

For example, to build a campaign with three reward tiers, in your Shopify product listing, create an Option called "Reward Level," with three variants: Gold, Silver, Bronze. Each variant would have a different price. Explain each tier in your product description.

Shopify Help Docs: Adding Variants

Does Crowdfunder work with bundle apps like Shopify Bundles?

Yes, Crowdfunder is compatible with bundle apps—Shopify Bundles included.

To make it work smoothly:

  • Set the inventory for all products in the bundle to 0 or below
  • Enable overselling on each product

If you're using a different bundle app, or want more control, you can also describe the contents of the bundle directly in the product or variant description.

Can my goal be total orders instead of a dollar amount?

Yes! You can choose from either a financial or quantity goal for your campaign.

Can I limit the number of orders I receive?

You can always stop or pause sales of your Crowdfunder campaign by simply unchecking "allow overselling" on your product after the Crowdfunder campaign has been made. This is a manual task, not automatic.

Does this app change how orders, charges, or customers work?

No, it does not alter how orders, customers, or charges are handled. it only alters the product page.

When are customers charged?

Customers are typically charged when they purchase your pre-order.

However, to offer more flexibility, we recommend using the Shopify app Downpay from our colleagues at Hypehound. This app allows you to offer partial payments, deposits, or pay later options, making it easier to sell preorders and manage customer expectations. With Downpay, you can set up a payment schedule that suits your business model while still capturing funds immediately or at a later date, as long as you clearly communicate to your customers that they are making a pre-order for an item that will ship later.

Ensure you include "Pre-Order" in the product title and clearly state the expected ship date as the first line in your product description.

What happens if my campaign doesn't meet its goal?

Unlike traditional crowdfunding campaigns, we leave that decision up to you. You can choose to go into production anyway, or refund your customers. Since the app doesn't change how orders are handled, customers would have to be refunded manually. Either way, you must deliver a product or refund your customers.

How do I rename my Add to cart button to Pre-Order?

Crowdfunder can optionally rename your Add to Cart button. In your Crowdfunder Campaign's Advanced Settings, you'll find an option to let the app find and rename your Add to Cart button. (The catch is that you'll need to know the CSS selector for the button. We can find this for you upon request.)

Can I use Crowdfunder to create a marketplace where users can register and create their own campaign?

No, definitely not.


Do you take any additional transaction fee (e.g. for each successful crowdfunded transaction) etc?

No! Crowdfunder is a single recurring monthly fee billed through your Shopify store.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can remove Crowdfunder from your Shopify store through your admin. [Documenation]

Why did I get charged after I uninstalled?

Make sure that you consider app billing cycles when you plan to uninstall an app. Recurring app charges are generated the first time an app charge is approved, and then on the first day of an app's billing cycle. Because of this, a charge will appear on your bill even if you uninstall an app only a day or two after the trial ends. [Source: Shopify]

Can I get a refund?

If you're unsatisfied, we'll refund up to one month's fee.

Contact Support

It’s our policy to work Monday through Friday.

Submit a Crowdfunder support request

For all inquiries, you should hear back from us within 24 hours on business days.

To help us out, please let us know:

- Shopify store address, & store password (if active)
- What is wrong
- What you want your app to do

Fill out my online form.


Our support does not extend to:

Some other important notes about our support:

  1. English is our preferred language. If you send a request in another language, we will attempt to use an online translation service to translate your request, but our response will be in English.
  2. Inquiries with typographical errors in the sender's email address or other contact information may prevent our reply from being delivered. If you do not receive a confirmation email from us within 15-30 minutes of sending your request, please double check your "spam" or "junk" folder and, if the message has not be received, verify you entered your email address correctly.
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