Operating System
- 74.41% iOS
- 24.04% Android
- 0.74% BlackBerry
- 0.71% Windows Phone
- 0.04% SymbianOS
- 0.06% Other
Mobile Device
- 54.18% iPhone
- 17.32% iPad
- 2.78% iPod
- 1.56% Galaxy S III
- 1.33% Droid Razr 4G
- 1.23% Nexus
- 71.05% Galaxy S II
- 0.9% Galaxy Nexus
- 0.75% Nexus S
- 43.52% 320x480
- 16.92% 768x1024
- 12.79% 320x56
- 85.82% 720x1280
- 2.77% 480x800
- 18.18% Other
Based on 553,967 visits to calmingmanatee.com during the month of January 2013. Of which, 28.15% of traffic was from a mobile device, a 5% increase over the previous month.
Compared with the overall internet population, the site's users tend to be under the age of 35, and they are disproportionately childless women browsing from school and work who have incomes between $30,000 and $60,000.