Shopify Expert Insights

E-Com Advice from our experienced in-house team

This all depends on your financial position as an entrepreneur and as a company. In a perfect world, you can find a phenomenal SEO consultant who will probably use some SEO apps in order to best implement their SEO strategy, right? But, a good SEO consultant costs a lot of money and if they don’t cost a lot of money, they’re not that good. That’s where I think it’s important to realize a lot of SEO can be learned and then you can implement your DIY strategy through use of a good app.

An important thing to remember is that an app is the tool, it doesn’t do the work for you.

If you’re on a budget, the best option is to hire a consultant to do a strategy plan for you and then you implement the plan yourself. That way you’re not hiring the consultant and paying for every hour that they’re working on your store and you’re just hiring for that initial action plan.

Now, if you’re a major brand, Plus store, you’re selling $10 million, and you’re trying to rank up against Nike for example, that’s a whole different story.