Shopify Expert Insights

E-Com Advice from our experienced in-house team

Financing apps are becoming popular and are proven to be an easy way to increase your average order size. They appear as a widget underneath the price on your product page offering payment breakdowns; for example, $100 or 4 payments of $25 using Sezzle. Generally the buyers don’t pay any interest.

My favorite…


  • Simple option with a killer Merchant Interest Program. Any money you collect and leave in Sezzle earns 8% interest! Yes, you read that right.
  • Offers a max of 4 equal payments so it does not appear as a hard item on the consumer’s credit and comes with zero percent interest
  • Good team and support

Other options…

  • Affirm
  • Afterpay

Pro tip: Adding a financing app is a quick easy win for your store. One store I work with had an average order value of $50 storewide, after using a financing app it jumped to $80.

*For one month free, no strings attached with Sezzle use referral code: SZXRLQJ

Privy offers a suite of conversion tools that sit on top of your website. The platform offers tons of display formats, design tools, and targeting rules that many use cases:

  • Exit intent email capture: this is Privy's bread and butter, but a small subset of what Privy offers.
  • Cart saving displays: reduce cart abandonment by looking for pre-abandonment signals in the checkout flow, and load displays based on product or cart value.
  • Cross-sell displays: target add to cart displays to people who have one product in the cart, but not the other (i.e if razor, recommend blade)
  • And many other on-site use cases we can unlock related to personalization, loyalty points, post-purchase engagement and more.

ESPs like Klaviyo pour their heart and soul into email flows, segmentation, and deliverability, the same way Privy pour theirs into the onsite experience but ESPs can only handle simple email capture scenarios.

Learn more at

Let’s talk product pages.

If its your homepage's job to get visitors to your product detail page, then its your product detail page's job to get them to add to cart.

I'm about to give you some clear design rules for making the most of your product page (and boosting your add to cart rate in the process.)

The Buy Box

First, make sure the "buy box" is above the fold. (The buy box is a term my guy Ezra Firestone coined.) That means your photos, thumbnails, title, price, product description, color swatches, ADD TO CART button, etc. are all above the point where the customer would have to scroll down. See this example from Tactical Baby Gear I designed:

Because people can't see, touch, smell, or otherwise experience your products in person, your product photos are incredibly important. Some quick tips here:

  • Enable click-to-zoom. This is important, people want to see what they're buying.
  • Crop all images consistently. (More on that below.)
  • Consider including a product video.
  • If you sell apparel, include your size chart as a photo so people can't miss it

Image Ratios Demystified

The number one thing that baffles merchants is image ratios. When I say image ratios, I mean the ratio of the width to the height of the images. Everyone struggles with getting these right, and that's a problem, because inconsistent images cropping will result in messy, unprofessional looking thumbnail grids and collection grids.

I am going to give you the easy way out here: Just crop all your images square so they're consistent.

If you have hundreds of product photos already uploaded at odd ratios, don't panic. You can use the app PixC to automatically resize the images square.

Once you get your images cropped square, you’ll have a nice clean look as customers switch through the image thumbnails.

Image Sizes

When uploading product photos to your store, you want to upload them as large as you can. "But Kurt, what about PageSpeeeed?!" Fear not– The theme and Shopify will work to resize photos, so you should aim to upload the max size Shopify will accept at a square resolution.

Here are the stats:

  • Size: Square, up to 2500x2500 px
  • Type: JPEG (dont you dare upload PNGs)
  • Quality: 60%, progressive, don't embed color profile as it has little value.

Pro-Tip: Before uploading them to Shopify, drag & drop them all into ImageOptim, it's a free, safe, and automatic image compression tool.

Social Proof

Make sure you have reviews on your product page. If you don't, that should be the first thing you do.

My favorite reviews apps are,, YotPo, Loox, even Shopify Product Reviews.

The Number One Secret: Copywriting

A clean layout and quality photos will only get you so far. The most successful stores all invest in detailed descriptions for their products. You need to treat your product descriptions like sales letters.

But copywriting is hard, right? I thought so too, then I discovered the magic of copywriting formulas.

My colleague Joanna Weibe has put together a phenomenal guide called The Ultimate Guide to No-Pain Copywriting (or, Every Copywriting Formula Ever). Bookmark it.

For further reading, check out Sean D'Souza's The Brain Audit. This was the one book that made copywriting click for me. It's a quick read too.

Hope that helps,

P.S.: For more info on building the perfect product page, listen to our podcast Building The Perfect Product Page.

What's the fundamental difference between a good and a bad home page?

A bad homepage doesn't center on helping the user find a product. That is the number homepage conversion killer.

When someone lands on your homepage, you have just a couple of seconds to convince them that:

  1. they should not leave,
  2. and they should start browsing.

(As opposed to what most people do when they land on a homepage: click the back button, click over to a different tab, or, if you're lucky, scroll halfway down and then leave.)

Your homepage has one primary job: convince someone to start browsing your catalog. You have to break them out of general browsing and into shop mode. This is the difference between someone walking past a storefront and walking into it. A visitor who hits your homepage and then bounces is no different than someone just walking past the storefront.

Let’s talk hero image. You see a lot of stores doing slide shows, and honestly, I’m not a fan, for two reasons:

  1. Image slideshows often bloat page sizes.
  2. 89% of users never make it past the first slide.

Instead, I recommend you just do one big hero image. Or, if you're feeling particularly fancy, go with a video. If you can put together a video, it will boost conversions.

Either way, have a headline over it, with your positioning statement. Make it really clear what it is you offer, what your value proposition is, and who it's for. Being clever or subtle isn't going to sell anything.

Next, your main navigation menu is instrumental in converting a browser to a shopper. If someone is landing on the homepage, they're showing intent, so let's make it easy for them. I see too many stores that have their products buried under some sub-menu that just says, "Shop" followed by a bunch of non-shopping related links like that blog you haven't updated in six months.

Which do you want? Do you want people to come to your site to read a blog that you never update? Or, buy something? The latter of course. Take all that extraneous stuff and put it either into one sub-menu at the very end called, "Info," or move it into the footer. If people are looking for it, they'll find it. That way all your shopping is across the top. You can break it out by collection, break it out by top sellers, whatever you want.

Lastly, throw some social proof in there. I like to do testimonials, reviews, or even something like a reviews app carousel widget. If you've ever been quoted or featured in any kind of press or media, include those logos, and some nice blurbs from the articles. Social proof adds a lot of credibility.

Let's recap:

  1. Your homepage has one job: get people to browse your catalog.
  2. Ditch the carousel, instead use a single hero image or a video. Caption it with a clear and concise call to action.
  3. Focus your main menu exclusively on shopping.

Hope that helps,

I wanted to talk to you about ways to improve your conversion rate, starting with your homepage. It’s often the first thing customers see, so its a good place to start. Let’s walk through three quick wins you can make to your homepage.

Quick Win 1: Optimizing Your Logo

When people land on your homepage, what's the first thing they see? Nine times out of ten it’s the logo.

There’s a simple reason for this: People read in an “F” pattern. Top to bottom, left to right. That means they are going to start in the upper left of the page. Which is where you want your professionally designed logo.

If you don’t have a great looking logo yet, hire an illustrator or logo designer, or submit a project on 99 Designs, where you can effectively crowdsource your logo. You want to make sure a professional logo is the first thing visitors see.

Quick Win 2: Tagline

Knowing that the logo is the first thing customers will often see (especially since its on every page of your site) there’s another easy quick win we can implement in the logo, and that’s a tagline. To communicate your brand message to the consumer, add a tagline to your logo. You can't fit a long one into a logo, but three to five words can be powerful.

For example, our client and purveyor of fine teas, Harney & Sons, has a name and logo that doesn’t communicate what they do at all. It’s totally ambiguous. But with the addition of three words, MASTER TEA BLENDERS, they quickly and easily communicate to everyone who sees their logo what it is they do.

That’s important because visitors aren’t going to spend time trying to decipher what it is you do, they’re going to bounce back to Facebook in the hopes of finding some more spicy memes.

Quick Win 3: Toll-Free Number

The third must-have item is a toll-free phone number. Yeah, we all have cell phones, and we don't really pay for long-distance anymore but a toll-free number still says, "Hey, I'm a legitimate for real business."

You can get one for about $30.00 a month from services like Grasshopper or Ring Central. Then, forward it to the appropriate phone line. Once you do, make sure you display it prominently in your header. A quality theme like Turbo by Out of The Sandbox even has a place for it in the top header.

These seem like obvious recommendations, but very few sites have all three in place. Three of the easiest and quickest ways to increase your conversion rate.

How to Make $1 Million (with Ezra Firestone)

In 2018, Ezra Firestone generated $700K over Black Friday, with $100k alone on Thanksgiving for his Shopify store BOOM by Cindy Joseph.

This year he plans do 30% more and he's going to tell us exactly how.

I sat down with Ezra to break down the exact Black Friday and holiday email campaigns he'll be running this year to hit his seven-figure goals.

Reader Nick Colebatch writes, “I went through your training, took copious notes, and ordered them in the area of websites, to help others tear down their own websites. Here are your tips, summarized and ordered from a merchant's perspective.”


  • Strip out social links and share buttons
  • Add tag line under the logo in the header
  • A toll-free number is good


  • No “Home” on Menu - it’s safe to assume that clicking on logo navigates to homepage
  • If the difference between product categories not obvious consider putting images into a mega menu
  • Ensure Menu breaks out products as much as possible, and if you have a top secondary menu you can put non-product related stuff (e.g. About) into that
  • Check menu doesn’t take up much screen real estate when you scroll down


  • Have an exciting newsletter call to action, not “Subscribe” - provide a compelling reason to join
  • Have Media Enquiries in the footer
  • A toll-free number is good

Home Page

  • “As seen in” strips are powerful social proof and consider having them high on the homepage

Collection Page

  • Quick View lightboxes not generally recommended - adds load time
  • On a Collection page, when you scroll over a product you want a “hover effect” on that product
  • “Trending now” instead of “Featured Products”

Product Page

  • Dynamic checkout buttons
  • Add reviews under the product name
  • Strip out social links and share buttons
  • If print on demand then have some real photos and try to have photos that are different even if you just crop them differently
  • Videos to increase conversions
  • Returns policy in the description - use returns policy all over your website
  • Don’t hide text on the product page, such as “Details and Dimensions” - have all text display by default
  • When a product has options: Consider changing “Add to Cart“ button text to “Select a size [or colour or whater]” if not all options are chosen. Have default drop-down option as a “Choose” option so you force the customer to make a conscious choice for the option before they can Add to cart so you don’t get people accidentally buying the wrong thing (like a small size t-shirt just because that was the default size) - requires development
  • If different pricing for different options, then have the price dynamically change based on the option chosen (rather than showing a range of prices) - not sure if this needs a developer?
  • Financing options like After Pay can be a huge conversion boost especially with higher-priced products
  • “Only x number left” (inventory indicator when low) is good
  • If you have “out of stock” have the ability to enter your email and get notified of when back in stock
  • Add to cart navigates straight to cart page
  • Big advantage to keeping to layout conventions
  • Hex colour 444 (light black) good colour for easy reading
  • Font Size 16 point good size
  • If selling apparel add size guide as photo
  • Addressing sizing concerns and returns policy is a common area to improve for apparel stores as it is a key reason not to buy

Cart Page

  • Dynamic checkout buttons
  • “Proceed to checkout” good text to have on the checkout button
  • Have a lock icon on checkout button (on the cart page) instead of lots of trust icons - not sure if it requires development

Checkout Page

  • Dynamic checkout buttons
  • Add phone number under your logo on checkout
  • Auto-suggest on address field in the checkout
  • Make sure it’s styled (colours/fonts) as per rest of website
  • (Multiple pages) Colour isolation: Consistent button colours from product page > Cart page > checkout page with only one button on each page being key branded colour and other buttons subtle colours that don’t draw attention

Sales copy wins

  • Instead of “View All/More Details/Learn More” use “Shop Now” on any buttons
  • “You focused language” in copy
  • Don’t use “Industry Speak”. Use customer surveys and reviews - find common phrases and make those your headlines
  • HotJar Survey “If you did not make a purchase today, what was it that stopped you?” set on exit intent and limited it to fire only if the url contains “products”. Mine the responses.

This is a guest post by Nick Disabato.

Having run over 500 tests for over 3 dozen businesses over the past 6 years, I know a thing or two about CRO – and where things can go wrong.

First, though, here are some places where things rarely go wrong:

  • Getting enough traffic for statistically significant results. For online stores, you can at least run a new round of tests every month on the 2-3 pages that you get the most traffic, as well as your cart and checkout. Other lines of business are not so lucky!
  • The design & development process for a prototype. If you’re ready to start A/B testing, you already know how to actually build software, and you probably have design & development resources retained.
  • Focusing on the right metrics. You already know that AOV, CLTV, conversion rate, reorder rate, upsell take rate, and ARPU matter. Nobody is going around maximizing subscriptions to their mailing list, or views of their blog posts. Store owners care about getting a positive ROI out of their CRO activities, and that means revenue generation.

Which is great! But this isn’t enough. Most of the things that trip up store owners are around mindset, and following best practices that aren’t really great after all.

The main reason anyone tests is to move the needle for your store. So, how do you increase the likelihood that you’ll build tests that win?

Here are the 5 biggest blind spots that hold store owners back from an outsize win rate and significant gains in profit, and what you can do to not fall prey to each one of them:

Blind spot 1: Acting on instinct

Tests are most likely to win if they respond to customer needs and fix specific, observable issues. Put another way, you should have a process that researches how customers are acting on your store, figure out what motivates them to buy, and then create tests that respond to those behaviors and needs.

Evidence is a great way to find new test ideas. Instinct isn’t. “What if we tested this now?” is a great way to run tests that lose. But most stores do this, in the absence of a concrete plan.

Let’s say you have an add to cart button. You want to run a test that changes its text or appearance in some capacity. What do you change it to? Why? What do you think will happen if you make that change?

Good tests are intentional and deliberate, and every design decision that you make should have a clear reason. By researching any potential changes, prioritizing them to be built out, and creating hypotheses that connect directly to new experiments, you’re more likely to run tests that win.

Blind spot 2: Running “popular” A/B tests

Everyone has heard of the button color test that made a zillion dollars. Same with testing headlines. In fact, button colors & headlines are the most popular two kinds of tests – not only because they are well-known examples of A/B testing, but because they’re extremely easy to put together.

Popular A/B tests are generally popular because they have a popular perception of being low-risk and high-reward. And to be sure, Draft has run button color tests that have won. But those button color tests were also researched! For example, when running tests at the Wirecutter, we ran a test that changed every product’s buy button to the color of the store that it pointed to: Amazon orange, Walmart blue, Apple gray, etc.

We did this because customers often didn’t notice that they were going to other stores, and were thrown off by the disconnect between the Wirecutter’s experience and (for example) Amazon’s. Clickthrough rate increased as a result, because people knew where they were going and what they could do when there.

Rather than making your buttons brighter, change your buttons for a reason. Look into what motivates customers, and then change your headline to something that clearly meets their needs.

Blind spot 3: Not following statistics

Let’s say you run a test and find that your ARPU went up by 83¢ at 85% confidence. Does that mean you should roll the decision out to everyone, and expect that your ARPU will increase by 83¢ into perpetuity?

Not necessarily. Think of that 83¢ figure as the center of a bell curve with, in this case, a rather shallow slope. That bell curve represents the full range of expected long-term outcomes that you might get from rolling out your variant to all customers. In practice, you might do better or worse than 83¢. And an 85% confidence level is not generally what most optimizers use to determine success; in fact, most winners are rolled out if they are called at 95% confidence or above.

It’s also dangerous to peek at an experiment’s data while the test is still active. You should calculate your expected sample size and experiment duration ahead of time, check in only to fix bugs with your goal reporting, and only take action on the results after the experiment has run its course.

The best explanation of the math behind this is “How Not to Run an A/B Test” by Evan Miller. Here at Draft, we use his sample size calculator every day.

Blind spot 4: The HiPPO

The HiPPO, or “highest paid person’s opinion,” can severely harm the progress of your testing program.

Test ideas should never be prioritized by the rank of who suggested them. Good ideas can come from anywhere in the organization. In fact, the best ideas often come from people who are in the trenches every day, understanding the real problems that customers are facing. At Draft, we’ve come to trust customer support staff more than the CEO when it comes to figuring out the best things to test. They suggest ideas that win more often!

We solve this problem by giving the entire team access to our Trello board for project management, and point everyone to suggest new ideas in a specific column. New ideas are then discussed, researched, prioritized, built, and tested. This way, the CEO is given precisely as much power as the newest contractor.

Blind spot 5: Following the leader

Ecommerce has a habit of copying. Someone does something that works well, and others follow the same playbook.

This makes sense on the face of things, because nobody has any clear sense of what works at any time. But if you don’t actually lead on your own store’s user experience, you’re leaving your store’s fate in the hands of people who are playing at a higher level of the game.

Following the leader is a bad idea because of, you guessed it, a lack of research. Instead of copying what “works” for someone else, investigate why, what that means for you, and how – and if – you should respond to it.

It’s always good to pay attention to what other stores are doing. But it’s dangerous to implement others’ ideas wholesale without determining how they fit int your own big picture. Trust, but verify.

The goal is test ideas that win

The industry-wide success A/B test success rate is about 12.5%, or 1 in every 8 tests. Do you want a failure rate of 87.5%? No, of course you don’t. You’ll waste time and money on a bunch of tests that fail to move the needle for your business.

At Draft, our success rate hovers around 65% as of press time. How? Because we research our ideas, carefully prioritize new tests, and listen to the whole team.

Fundamentally, value-based design is a matter of abandoning your ego. You may know the kind of product that your customers need, but you won’t know how your customers behave – and why they buy – until you investigate them. By avoiding these blind spots, you should be able to improve your business’s optimization maturity, and create an ROI-positive optimization program in the process.

About the author
Nick Disabato is a designer & writer from Chicago. He runs Draft, an optimization consultancy for online stores. His most recent book is Value-Based Design, the definitive how-to guide for getting a positive ROI out of any design work. He's spoken at SxSW, O'Reilly Web 2.0, and eCommerce All-Stars, among a bunch of other places, and he thinks your dog is very good.

Shopify Plus merchant Tactical Baby Gear is disrupting the booming world of baby products — estimated this year to produce more than $11 billion in revenue worldwide — by specializing in military-style baby gear. Founder Beav Brodie and COO Alex Alexander Kristoff join us to discuss their seven-figure success.

Join this Q&A recorded live in front of an audience at the Chicago Shopify Plus Meetup.

What to do when you're feeling overwhelmed with busywork and not working on growing your business.

One of the top topic requests I get is around general business productivity.

People want to know how can I get more done?

Recently, Dylan Kelley from Wavebreak asked a wonderful inverse of this question:

"I'm constantly overworking myself... what are your top strategies for doing less?"

In today's installment of my Sunday Drive series, we talk about how to get your shit done (by doing less.)

I even reveal all of my inbox zero secrets since that's where most of us are losing our time.

You'll want to listen if you're feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or busy but not productive.